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Types Of Research Papers

What Is Research Paper?

The paper is part of an academic writing or a long essay that provides the author's original and independent research on any subject, analysis and interpretation of research results. The research paper must be clear, concise, focused, structured and evidence-supported. It has a formal tone and style, but it is not complex and does not require the use of long sentences and complex vocabulary because its purpose is to help understand the reader. Here we'll get to know "Research Paper Types".

Types Of Research Papers

Research papers are of different types and determining the type of search paper to be used is a critical task. The most appropriate search paper type is always selected to take into account your search paper topics, search methodologies, and the way you analyze your data.

7 Different Types Of Research Papers

  1. Analytical Research Paper
  2. Argumentative Research Paper
  3. Cause and Effect Research Paper
  4. Experimental Research Paper
  5. Problem-Solution Research Paper
  6. Report Paper
  7. Survey Research Paper

Analytical Research Paper

Describe multiple points of view → Analyze all points → Draw a conclusion

Analytical research papers include an analysis of facts, events, issues, and ideas. In this regard, the researcher initially describes multiple perspectives related to the research problem, and then analyzes all the points described by collecting relevant information from various other researchers and eventually drawing. During analytical research, the researcher must remain neutral, i.e. the paper does not prefer one point and opposes another point.

In the analytical research paper, the researcher has no difficulty in describing multiple points of view but in their analysis. There are many home help sites available to facilitate your business.

Argumentative Research Paper

Describe the problem from two different viewpoints → Propose pros and cons → Give preference to one

The controversial research paper, as the name suggests, contains arguments on the subject of the research from two different perspectives. In this genre, the researcher must describe the problem through conflicting views, analyze it to suggest the pros and cons and ultimately supports one point of view. This paper focuses primarily on making readers prefer your point of view.

Cause And Effect Research Papers

Describe situation → Present causes/effects → Draw a conclusion

This paper is usually assigned to new students. The main objective of this paper is to teach the researcher how to write a research paper. This paper includes
  • A detailed study of various research topics
  • Organization of the writing process
  • Application of certain styles to text
  • Citations and references
In this research paper, the researcher first describes the problem, then explain its causes and effects and finally gives the conclusion.

Experimental Research Paper

Conduct the experiment → Share useful experience → Provide data and sum up

While writing an experimental paper, the researcher should describe the entire experimental process in detail. In this, the researcher conducts the experiment, then shares his useful experiences and finally provides relevant data and summarizes his research. These research papers are usually written for biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and sociology. In this research paper, the researcher should describe his experience with supporting data and empirical analysis.

Problem-Solution Research Paper

Describe the problem → Propose a solution → Defend it

As the name suggests, the problem solving paper aims to find solutions to some problems. In this research paper, the researcher describes the problem, analyzes the available information, finds some possible solutions and proves its effectiveness by giving examples, details, statistical data, etc.

Report Paper

Outline the work done on a particular topic –> Sum up findings

In the report paper, the researcher needs to gather all the information about the subject of the 
research, describe the most important characteristics of the data, and finally summarize its findings. This paper aims to provide all the necessary facts and information on the subject of the research.

Survey Research Paper

Conduct a survey → Analyze findings → Draw conclusions

In this paper, the researcher should conduct research, interpret the data, analyze the results and eventually draw conclusions. In this, the survey is performed by asking questions to the participants. This analyzes behavior in different circumstances.

These are all different types of search paper. If you have any questions or would like any other information regarding the search papers, please let us know in the comments section.

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