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How to Use Python And Why Should You Use Python?


In this blog, you can learn the basics of how to use Python from the perspective of a beginner. If you want to learn Python but aren't sure where to begin, here are some suggestions. So you've come to the right place; here you'll learn the fundamentals of Python programming, such as what Python is, how to use Python, why you should use Python, and its features.

What is Python?

Python is a programming language that is both free and easy to pick up. It is a high-level, dynamically typed, and interpretable programming language, among its key characteristics or features. As a result, error debugging is simpler, and it also promotes the rapid development of application prototypes, cementing its status as the programming language of choice for programmers.Guido Van Rossum founded it in 1989, stressing the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) concept and readability.

Why Should You Use Python?

Python's versatility helps you to perform a wide variety of small as well as large tasks. Python can be used to build simple programmes as well as massive and complex business solutions. You should know why you should use python before you learn how to use it. Python is commonly used in the area of computer programming.

Here are a few examples of its applications:

  • It's used to make GUI (graphical user interface) software, CLI (command line interface) tools, and even games for desktop computers.

  • It is used to mathematically and scientifically analyse data.

  • It is employed in the development of web and internet-based applications.

  • It is used in the management of computer systems as well as the automation of tasks.

  • It is used to carry out DevOps activities.

Features of the Python

There are numerous characteristics of Python that make it appealing and make it the language of choice for programmers:

  • Even if you want to use Python for commercial purposes, it is available for free.

  • Since Python is open source, anyone can contribute to its development.

  • Python is a programming language that is open to people of all ages, from schoolchildren to seniors, and you can learn it as well.

  • Python is a flexible programming language that can be used to solve problems in a number of fields, including scripting, data science, web creation, GUI development, and more.

  • Python is a versatile programming language that can be used to create small scripts as well as complex or large-scale business solutions.

  • Such advantages of Python over other programming languages are as follows:

  • It is interpreted, so it is more compact and easier to play with than other compiled languages.

  • Multiparadigm: It enables you to write code in a range of types, including object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming.

  • Dynamically typed: The variables are checked at runtime, so you don't have to declare them directly.

  • Strongly typed: It won't go unnoticed if unsafe operations on forms that aren't compatible.

How to Download and Install Python

Python is compatible with Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and a number of other operating systems. It comes preinstalled on macOS and most Linux distributions. To stay current, you can download and instal the most recent update. You can choose between different Python versions in different types of projects.

If you want to know or search which version of Python is installed globally in your operating system. To check the version, simply open the terminal or command line and execute or type the following command.

This command shows the version of Python 3 that is installed by default on your device. Due to the fact that some operating systems do use Python 2 as their default Python installation, you must use python3 rather than python.

Installing Python From Binaries

Regardless of your operating system, go to the official Python site and download the required version. Go there and download the version that corresponds to your operating system and processor, whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit.

It's always a safe idea to pick and import a Python binary from the language's official website. The following are some OS-specific alternatives:

  • macOS: You have the option of using Homebrew to instal Python 

  • Linux: You can instal different Python versions using the distribution's package manager.

  • Window: You have access to the Microsoft Shop, where you can download Python.

You can also use the Anaconda distribution to instal Python along with a large range of packages and libraries, or Miniconda if you only want to instal the packages you need.

Running Your Python Interpreter

You can run a short test to see whether Python is configured correctly or not. Using your terminal or command line, type the command python3. After running this command, a python interactive session should open, and the command prompt that appears should look like this:


Python 3.9.0 (default, Oct  5 2020, 17:52:02)

[GCC 9.3.0] on linux

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


While you’re here, you should run the first line of your code:


>>> print("Python is easy!")

Python is easy!

You can exit the interactive session using the exit () or quit () commands after you've finished writing your python programme or when you're done with it (). Additionally, you can use the key combinations listed below:


  • macOS and Linux: Ctrl+D

  • Windows: Ctrl+D and then press Enter

Python syntax is clear, concise, and easy to comprehend. The readability of the language is one of its most appealing features. As a result, python is an excellent choice for people who are just beginning to programme. In this section, you can see and learn about several main components of the Python syntax, including the ones mentioned below:

  • Comments

  • Variables

  • Keywords

  • Built-in data types

  • Conditional statements

  • Loops

  • Functions

And the experience you learn here will undoubtedly assist you in getting started with Python.


Comments are text that resides in your code but is ignored by the Python interpreter while it runs the code. You can use comments to illustrate the code to yourself and other developers so that everybody knows what it does and why it's written the way it is. To make a comment in Python, simply add a hash mark (#) before your comment text:

# This is the example of comment line

The python interpreter ignores the text written after the hash mark and up to the end of the line. You can also add inline comments to your code. In other words, if the comment takes up the last part of the line, the statement or python expression can be combined with the comment in a single line:

var = "Hello# This is an inline comment

Inline comments should be used to explain code that isn't obvious on its own. Keep your remarks short and to the point in general. Keep comments to 72 characters or less, according to Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 8. If your comment is similar to or longer than that, you might want to break it up into several lines:

# The comment which is long and requires

# two lines to complete.


We will learn the basics of how to use Python as a beginner in this blog. If you are a student in need of assistance with a python programming task, please contact us or leave a comment below. We will provide you with the most successful python assignment help.

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