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SQL vs NoSQL: when you should use one over the other

When it came to designing new applications, SQL databases were formerly the de-facto choice. NoSQL databases have grown in popularity in recent years. Choosing between a SQL and a NoSQL database is now a critical technological decision for app developers, and knowing when to utilise one over the other is a valuable skill. Beyond that, the database type chosen might influence whether a project runs well or has technological challenges as it increases.

We'll look at the differences between SQL vs NoSQL and when one outperforms the other in this article. We'll see how being able to understand the type of data that your application must manage, and then using that information to determine which technology is best suited for your circumstance, is a critical aspect in making a selection.

First, we'll need to rapidly review the technological concepts that underpin the two types of databases so that we can determine what distinguishes them and use that information to guide our future judgments.

What are the SQL database?

The older and more extensively utilised of the two data storage technologies is SQL databases. The following are some of the most common SQL databases:

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Oracle

  • MariaDB

SQL databases are relational databases that adhere to E. F. Codd's relational model published in 1970. The relational model introduced the concept of organising data as tuples, or rows, which are then grouped into relations, or tables.

For storing structured data, SQL databases are ideal. The database structure must be defined before data can be added to a relational database. The link between database tables (relations) and the types of fields (columns) in these tables is referred to as schema. In other words, before you can start storing and manipulating your data, you must first specify its structure and types. As a result, SQL databases are the more stringent of the two, as they involve architectural foresight and may require restructuring as a project progresses. In order to minimise data redundancy and optimization difficulties, database administrators must be cautious when building their schema.

To work with data, SQL databases use the Structured Query Language (SQL). Because SQL uses English phrases like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, as well as boolean operators like AND and OR, it is usually easier to understand than traditional coding. SQL has a number of useful data-handling tools, such as the JOIN clause, which allows a developer to run complex searches and get data from numerous tables as a single result.

Apart from proprietary functionality, the essential syntax of SQL is consistent among database providers, making it relatively easy for developers to transfer their skills from one system to the other. A developer who is familiar with MySQL, for example, will be able to rapidly learn PostgreSQL and vice versa.

What are NoSQL database?

Database systems that are not based on the relational model are known as NoSQL databases. Although similar databases have been around since the late 1960s, the phrase "NoSQL" only became popular in the early 2000s. The following are some examples of common NoSQL databases:

  • MongoDB

  • CouchDB

  • Redis

  • Elasticsearch

  • Cassandra

The requirement for scalability and flexibility, particularly among tech giants dealing with enormous and diverse sets of data, prompted the rise of NoSQL systems.

NoSQL databases are essentially a storage engine with a lot of flexibility. NoSQL databases are schemaless, which means that the tables and relationships between them are not rigorously defined. Being schemaless eliminates the need for the meticulous design that relational databases demand, as well as many of the restrictions that come with data type and format.This permits various data to be inserted independent of the geometry of previous entries.

NoSQL databases are classified according to the data model they employ:

  • key-value:A simple lookup system, similar to an associative array, map, or dictionary, in which each key corresponds to a value. Redis is a good example.

  • Document: When the data being stored is of a consistent “document” type, such as JSON, XML, etc., this is the method to use. Documents can be found using a unique key or by querying their contents. MongoDB is a good example.

  • Wide column: Tables, rows, and columns are used, but there are no schema constraints. Cassandra is a good example.

  • graph : When the information being stored is in the form of a mathematical graph. Neo4j is a good example.

Because NoSQL databases vary so much, the nature and shape of the data being stored often determines which option to choose. When compared to SQL databases, it can be more difficult to transfer knowledge from one NoSQL system to another, depending on how different the two systems are.


When to use SQL database

SQL databases are best suited for applications that require data integrity. If your application handles sensitive data, such as financial data, you should utilise a relational database to ensure that any queries you run will return the correct results and that no data will be lost accidently. In this situation, you want the most consistency possible, possibly at the expense of availability when compared to NoSQL.

When your data is sufficiently structured and can be grouped into schemas reasonably simply, you can utilise a SQL database because it is a natural fit for structured data. You can eliminate data redundancy through normalisation by abstracting out repeated information if the database structure is appropriately designed. This will also aid in the improvement of your data's quality.

When to use NoSQL database

If you're building an application that must handle a big number of simultaneous requests from different customers while also maintaining a high level of availability, a NoSQL database might be the way to go. A live chat application or a message queue, for example, can be required to respond to a client immediately and without latency. You may be confident that you will obtain a low response time by using a NoSQL database, and in the worst scenario, you may lose a message that has not been written to the database. If you can afford to forgo data consistency for high availability, a NoSQL database should be your first choice.

When dealing with large amounts of unstructured data, a NoSQL database may be the better option. In contrast to relational databases, which are difficult to scale horizontally, this allows you to easily scale vertically. Because NoSQL databases allow you to distribute your data across numerous servers, some NoSQL systems can readily recover from unexpected crashes due to the lack of a single point of failure.

Elasticsearch is a NoSQL solution that fits the bill when you need to run complicated and quick search queries on large amounts of data. A text search tool, for example, can be required to run search queries to discover a certain term among thousands or millions of pages.

NoSQL databases, because of their flexibility, may be handy when creating prototypes and MVPs. Not building a schema can save time, and examining the data collected can assist drive the schema creation process for the final product.


When designing an app, choose the right database is a crucial technological decision. When an app starts to take off, a bad decision might lead to growing pains or even data loss. Although it is possible to switch technology midway through a project, you will save time and money if you make the appropriate decision from the start.

The database you select should be able to manage the type of data your application will store efficiently. If data integrity is critical and your data is well-structured, a SQL database is the way to go. SQL also has a robust query language for working data that can be useful at any point in a project. If flexibility and scalability are more important to you, though, NoSQL may be the superior option — and choosing the correct sort of NoSQL database is crucial.

Unless the nature of the data makes it impossible, I believe you should utilise a relational database. NoSQL may be required if your application must handle a huge volume of denormalized data that is very volatile. What matters is that you take the time to understand the benefits and drawbacks of both types of databases before deciding which is best for you.

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