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Management Process: Definition, Features & Functions



The process is the planned process of carrying out tasks. It's about the transformation of inputs to outputs. Analyzing the management process can assist us in understanding the tasks that managers play. But, before we can look at the process, we must be aware of exactly what management is all about.

How Do You Define a Management Process?

Management is a method which brings the scarce material and human resources together and inspires employees to meet common organizational objectives. It's not a single process but rather a continual development of related actions.

In simple terms an effective management system is defined as a system that is well-defined for creating goals, planning and monitoring the performance of an action. It is a collection of interconnected operations or tasks that are essential to achieve desired objectives of the organization. The activities are not limited to:

  • A project (project management system for managing projects) or

  • Processes (process control system also called the performance measurement system for the process or managing system).

The top managers of the company are responsible of managing the process. But, this isn't necessarily the case in all management processes. for instance, in some instances, it is the responsibility of the project manager to manage the project management process.

Salient Features of a Management Process

The following characteristics define a management system:

1. Management is Highly Aspirational

Achieving pre-defined goals is a crucial element that is part of the managerial process. It's a way to meet the goals and objectives set early. Without a purpose, there is no reason for having a management system implemented. Each and every activity carried out by an organization's management must be focused on achieving a goal. The achievement of goals that are predetermined can be a measure of the effectiveness of a management team.

2. Management is Omnipresent

Today, management is commonplace. It's whether it's clubs, governments, armies, or business organizations; everyone requires a proper management system. The management principles apply to every sphere within a company. Managers at all levels carry out the same fundamental tasks throughout the day and night. It is this constant requirement that makes management an all-encompassing concept.

3. Management is an Ongoing Process

Management isn't a singular thing; it's a constant process. The continuous desire to reach diverse goals within the organization makes management a continuous process.

4. Management is Abstract

Management is not visible or perceived in a tangible way. It is only possible to observe the accomplishments of management and compare a well-managed company to one that has been badly managed.

5. Management is Social in Nature

Management is social as it requires interpersonal relationships. Human factors are the most significant element to the management process because it is influenced by opposing cultural and social norms. It's a job which transforms society, safeguards the community, and supports its future goals.

6. Management is Versatile

Management is about human reactions in a dynamic environment. The knowledge and skills required for managing originate from various disciplines such as Sociology, Psychology, Engineering economics, Anthropology Mathematics etc. It is this component that allows management to be a multifaceted process.

7. Management is Conditional

There are a variety of methods of performing tasks. The current situation will determine the most appropriate method for accomplishing any task. Sometimes, it is the case that management isn't performing their tasks in a proper way due to the circumstances. Effective managers must be accountable for such situations.

8. Management is a Team Effort

Individual efforts are aligned with collective efforts. One person cannot perform the management role on his own. Every managerial activity, including the creation of goals, the formulation of policies and plans as well as their implementation and monitoring are coordinated efforts of an entire group of individuals who are able to see the future of an organization.

9. Management is an Administrative Function

The management and administration of the actions of individuals to achieve predetermined goals are related to the management. Management is an approach that is used to ensure that human groups' goals are defined, set and accomplished.

Functions of a Management Process

In the simplest sense, the management process is a system which includes five fundamental tasks, which include organizing, planning, hiring, staffing, leading and controlling. These are the functions that comprise an array of methods and theories that guide you on how to be a successful manager.

The management process assists managers in focusing their efforts in order to achieve positive outcomes. Let's look at five typical tasks that comprise the process of management.

1. Planning

Management planning is the process of deciding on the most appropriate goals and actions to take, and deciding on the best strategies to employ which steps to follow and what resources are required to accomplish the objectives.

2. Organizing

This method of defining working relations allows employees to coordinate their efforts to accomplish common goals within the organization.

3. Leading

This is the job of expressing the vision, and inspiring by persuading, inspiring, and motivating employees.

4. Staffing

Inviting and recruiting employees to posts within different departments and teams in a systematic way.

5. Controlling

Examine the success of your objectives, improvements in performance, and the capacity to act. Implement processes to aid in the establishment of standards which will allow you to assess, evaluate and take decisions.


Management is a hidden power that represents the collective effort of individuals. A well-organized and efficient management approach aligns each individual's needs with the goals of the organization and goals as a whole. The success of businesses like Reliance, Tata, Birla and others. are not the result of the luck of their occurrence, it is rather a result of a planned procedure known as Management.

Diverse management courses that cover multiple disciplines like human resources, finance marketing, product management information technology and more are available to people who have a desire to be successful in their management position.

On the other side, if you're looking for management assignment help  then you can take help from our expert.

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  1. Nice post.
    The management process is one of the tough processes because management is a kind of rule we set for everyone whether it is an individual or an organization.
