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Features of Java Programming Language

In this Blog we will look at basic and advanced features , or features of the Java the programming language.

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We are aware the fact that Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent language.

Apart from these two well-known buzzwords (features) In addition, there are many more buzzwords are important to be aware of.

This is due to the fact that the history of Java cannot be completed without taking a look at the functions of Java.

1. Simple:

Java was designed to be an easy programming language. When Java was created it was designed by the Java team desired it to be easy for professionals to understand and to use effectively.

It is due to its ability to run on a variety of electronic devices, or on smaller machines that have less memory available. At the time the size of the basic interpreter as well as class-support is 40 KB.

2. Object-oriented:

Java is an entirely OOP programming language (OOP). That means Java programs are developed using objects and classes. To create a Java program it is necessary to have the existence of a class or object.

3. Distributed:

Java has been designed to work with an environment that is distributed on the Internet since it supports TCP/IP as well as UDP protocols.

With Java it is possible to create programs to collect data and then share it across multiple computers that are part of the network. Java also has a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) feature, which allows a program to distribute its methods over the network.

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4. Robust:

The definition the word Robust means "strong". This implies it means that Java programs are durable because they don't fail to crash as easily as C and C++ applications. There are three primary reasons why Java programs are robust.

In the first place, Java has an excellent built-in feature called exception handling. An exception can be described as an unusual situation or error that happens during runtime.

5. Secure:

Because Java can be used to support the distributed internet environment It also comes with a variety of security options. Security issues like tampering impersonation, and viruses can be prevented or minimized through the use of Java on the Internet.

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6. System independence (Architecture neutral):

Java compiler compiles sources into code which is indistinguishable from any specific machine's architecture.

The bytes of the Java program is not dependent on the machine. It can run on any machine using any processor and operating system that supports Java Virtual Machine.

The aim for JavaSoft had been in order to "write once; run anywhere, any time, forever". In a large way, JavaSoft accomplished this goal.

7. Portability:

If a program produces the same results on each system machine, the program is known as portable. Java software is portable.

8. Interpreted:

When a program is being built, Java compiler converts the source code of the program to Byte code. The byte code is executed on any machine by using Java interpreter within JVM.

If we choose to use any other programming language it is a compiler only or interpreter is required to execute programs. However, in Java we make use of both interpreter and compiler to execute the program.

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9. High Performance:

The ability of the interpreter in JVM to run the program is slow. To combat this, JavaSoft team has introduced JIT (Just In Time) compiler, which enhances the speed of interpreting byte code by caching the interpretations.

This increases speeds of implementation for Java program is increased. Thus, both interpreter as well as JIT compiler inside JVM collaborate to execute the program.

10. Multithreaded:

Java has multi-threading support that allows programs to accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously. A thread is a distinct process that executes a series of commands.

JVM uses multiple threads in order to execute various parts of code. The process of creating multiple threads is known as "multithreaded" in Java.

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