Google Classroom has evolved into a useful tool for exchanging homework issues and tasks. Teachers can create and submit assignments in Google Classroom, and students can work on them either on Google Classroom or by attaching the file once they've completed it. Google has created a simple framework for digital filing. When students or professors are asked to post an assignment in Google Classroom, they encounter a variety of issues, prompting them to inquire about How to Post Assignments on Google Classroom. So don't worry, we'll walk you through the process of uploading assignments on Google Classroom in detail in this article.

Steps – How to post a task on Google study hall 

To post tasks on Google homeroom you initially need to make a task and afterward, you can post a task right away. You have 3 alternatives for posting tasks that are you can post a task either quickly or can plan it to post it later or you can simply save it in drafts. 

Step #1 

The first thing to learn is how to post tasks on Google homeroom is that you can post the task through Google Chrome and cell phone. You simply need to open the application on the off chance that you are posting through Google Chrome. Also, assuming you are posting through your cell phone, you can download the application and afterward can open it. 

Step #2 

The second step is to sign in the Google Classroom. 

Step #3 

Next, you need to pick your study hall for which you need to post a task. 

Step #4 

From that point, you will discover an alternative of including the type of + image at the lower part of the screen. So the subsequent stage in how to post tasks on Google study hall is to tap on that add button to make a task. 

Step #5 

Presently you will get the alternative of title. Wherein you can compose the title of the task and can likewise add any guidelines you need to provide for understudies. 

Step #6 

Presently your task is made. In google study hall when we make any task then it has the following day as the due date as a matter of course. So you need to change the due date physically. The following stage to figure out how to post tasks on Google homeroom is to figure out how to change the due date. For changing the due date, you need to tap or tap on the down bolt which is available only close to the Due tomorrow. From that point, you can choose the date and time by tapping on the time and date. 

Step #7 

The following stage in how to post tasks in Google study halls is that you can likewise add materials to the task for understudies' reference or to clarify the task issue. For adding material, you need to transfer a document by tapping on connect, and afterward, you can choose the record you need to transfer. You can pick the document structure Google Drive. 

Step #8 

Instructors additionally have choices to connect with the understudies. So the following stage in how to post tasks in Google homeroom is that the instructor needs to tap or tap on the down bolt and can pick any choice out of the three. Three alternatives are – educators can permit understudies to just view the record then understudies can just peruse the document without rolling out any improvements to it. The subsequent choice is to permit understudies to alter the document. Then, at that point understudies can make changes to the record. Thirdly, instructors can create an individual duplicate for every single understudy, and afterward, they can make changes in their particular duplicates.


Google homeroom is an advanced documenting stage where instructors can post tasks for understudies of one class or numerous classes. There are various highlights in posting tasks in google homeroom. Such countless educators and understudies request that how to post tasks on Google homeroom. In the event that you are additionally Struggling, follow these simple strides to post tasks in Google homeroom. We additionally realize understudies by and large inquiry terms like Do My Assignment for Me Cheap because of restricted spending that is the reason call tutors likewise remember this for the help list.